By Emilie Hackett, Special to the Record – When Vincent Gérin was elected mayor of Ayer’s Cliff in late 2017, it felt like a déjà-vu. That is perhaps because he was back in the mayor’s seat for the first time since 2009. Indeed, Gérin’s involvement with the municipal council has been extensive. Municipal councillor from 1993 to 2001, and then mayor from 2001 to 2009, he was more than ready to return to the mayor position eight years later. “So far, my mandate is going well. It helps that I had that experience. I had to take a break after 2009 because my employer made me decid between my job and the mayor position. I retired in 2016, so after a nice one-year break I ran for mayor again. It’s a good opportunity for me to be involved and stay busy,” said Gérin in an interview with the Record on Wednesday. He added that although he loves being the mayor, “taking those eight years off made me realize how much everything changes. The urban development, employment, and the population has changed.” See full story in the Friday, Jan. 25 edition of The Record.