Good Eggs visit: La Mie d’Orford

Good Eggs visit: La Mie d’Orford

By William Crooks


It was 17 degrees, with a little breeze, and the sun was shining and warm – a perfect day for a drive out of town to have some breakfast and celebrate my 41st birthday. I don’t feel much different than I did half a decade ago; my father says that, in his case, noticeable day-to-day decline arrived around his 50th. We’ll see. A visiting friend insisted to me recently, on the topic of age, that 40 was the new 30. If 40 is the new 30, it stands to reason that 30 is the new 20, which, to me, has some truth to it. Now, if 30 is the new 20, then 20 could be the new 10. This, along with being funny to think about, has some truth to it, too…

On through Lennoxville, down the 410 and then the 10, sort of past Magog and then a right up into Orford to meet the other Good Eggs at La Mie d’Orford. I was late – an engrossing conversation with my roommate had caused me to lose track of time. My dining compatriots were already set up in the front corner of the restaurant’s terrasse; A colorful parasol rippled gently in the wind above them. Unfortunately, my seat was set up so as to put my back to a beautiful view of Mt. Orford. The place was busy, but not full, and can seat, inside and outside, probably 100 people. The only flaw I could see was the noise of the busy street behind me, but I was told I wouldn’t really notice, which ended up being true.

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