When I sat down and thought about it, The Record has always been a part of my life in some way or another.
Back when I was young, I loved little comic strips, and so I’d cut out the daily ones from the paper and glue them together into my collection, which I hoarded over like a dragon.
Though I’ve never successfully finished one of its crosswords, I’ve given it a fair number of tries over the years, and my sudoku phase was certainly enabled by its presence on the back pages of the paper.
Even after it’d been read, its articles soaked up by the adults who could understand them, they’d go on to start campfires, make paper mache creations, or float by as a tranquil paper boat.
As the years passed and I discovered I wanted to be a writer, it made sense that I’d apply for the same position I filled this summer, and so four years ago, before my freshman year at Champlain, I applied with an empty CV and clueless aspirations.
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Goodbyes and due thanks
By Aiden Wilson, Special to The Record