In July, the CIUSSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS, partnered with local educational institutions, set up a scholarship and work-study program to help address the labour shortage in the health sector. Of the 123 bursaries available, 60 applicants have qualified for the financial support. Until Dec. 6, 63 scholarships are still available to future students who wish to apply to become a beneficiary attendant (PAB) or health and social services assistant (ASSS). To encourage students to take this training and stimulate their commitment to the CIUSSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS, other incentives are added to the $7,500 bursary, including a guaranteed job to ensure the success of their training. In addition, students can benefit from a work-study program offered with partner educational institutions. See full story in the Friday, Nov. 29 edition of The Record.
Health and social services scholarships still available
Record Staff