Health authority doubles back for missed vaccinations

Health authority doubles back for missed vaccinations
Rolf Bentzen, the oldest resident at St-Francis manor in Lennoxville, was missed when the team that went to vaccinate the residents on Feb. 19 ran out of doses. Luckily, they were back at the manor yesterday to administer the vaccine to Rolf and other residents they had missed. (Photo : Carolyn Bentzen)

By Matthew McCully

The province gave a collective sigh of relief with the news that all residents in CHSLDs and private homes had received a first dose of vaccine against COVID-19.
Unfortunately, there were a few seniors who slipped through the cracks, namely 100-year-old Rolf Bentzen, eldest resident of Le Renaissance – Manoir St-Francis in Lennoxville.
“Somebody screwed up,” explained Rolf’s daughter Carolyn Bentzen.
“He was supposed to get the jab on Feb. 19,” Bentzen explained, along with the rest of the residents at the manor.
She called in the evening to ask her dad if he had any side effects from the vaccine, but he said he hadn’t received the shot.
According to Bentzen, her dad lives at the end of the hall. By the time the team administering the vaccines reached Rolf, they had run out of doses.
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