Gordon Parsons, who grew up in a place once known as Knicky Knocky in Bury Township, has published two new books that immerse readers into the history of Bury Township, its early settlers and the communities that formed around them. “The Village of Gould Station” A brief history of this once thriving community and The Community of Bown and the Lost Village of Bown’s Mills brings the lost villages of Gould Station and Bown’s Mills back into the minds of Townshippers and provides insights into the early pioneer days.
Knicky Knocky was located on Victoria Road between Bury and Scotstown.
“Right on that corner where you turn right to go to Knicky Knocky was the original Parsons homestead log cabin and I didn’t know that until I started researching. I grew up about two miles from that and my parents didn’t ever tell me about that; that was in 1836,” explained Parsons. “The British American Land Company purchased a huge track of land in the Eastern Townships in 1834 and that included the entire township of Bury. In 1836, they sent over 2,000 settlers to this virgin wilderness. They just cut through a rough road and so they led the settlers to their lots and said okay here is your lot, good luck and goodbye.”