The CIUSSS de L’Estrie-CHUS, the healthcare establishment for the Estrie administrative region, is asking visitors to be mindful of the regulations currently in place, particularly when it comes to respect for personnel.
In a statement issued Thursday morning, the establishment pointed out that there have been several recent situations where staff have been criticized by visitors who are either not familiar with the new visiting rules or aware but simply unwilling to follow them.
These instructions for visiting a long-term care home (CHSLD) or hospital are based on government guidelines and will evolve according to the epidemiological situation. Visitors who will not respect the regualtions will be asked to leave, in the name of protecting the greater good.
In an effort to help with awareness, the CIUSSS provided the following list of current rules for CHSLDs and Hospitals:
General rules in CHSLDs and hospitals
Wearing of a mask or face covering is mandatory during the entire visit
Hand washing is required when entering and leaving the building
Physical distance of two meters is to be maintained at all times including:
Walking on the right in the corridors and stairs
Walking single file
Using stairs whenever possible
Cough or sneeze into the elbow, throw away tissues immediately after using them and wash your hands immediately
Be Courteous to all staff and other visitors
Respect the posted visiting hours
visitors with symptoms associated with COVID-19, visitors waiting for a COVID-19 test result and visitors with COVID-19 are not permitted to enter.
Additional rules in CHSLDs
Maximum two (2) visitors from the same family at a time.
Wearing a procedural mask (a face covering is not allowed).
Registration in the visit register on arrival and departure.
Traffic limited as much as possible to the room of a single resident (avoid common areas and visit a single resident of the unit).
As little exchange as possible.
Additional rules in hospitals
Only one (1) visitor per patient at a time. Maximum of four (4) different people per day. If two visitors show up at the same time, one of them must wait their turn outside the hospital.
In rooms with several beds, possible alternation of visits to respect physical distancing (one visitor at a time in the room, for example).
Exceptions to the number of visitors are possible, especially for people at the end of their life.
Special restrictions apply in the following sectors: emergency • oncology • intensive care • obstetrics • pediatrics • neonatology • medical imaging (for obstetric ultrasound). Anyone seeking to visit these areas must seek special permission from the unit.
Anyone who does not respect these rules may be refused access to the CHSLD or hospital.
COVID update
The Province of Quebec reported 104 new cases on Thursday, bringing the total number of infected persons to 60,917. Also, six new deaths were reported for a total of 5,715, although all were from delayed reports earlier in the month. The number of hospitalizations decreased by 2 compared to the previous day, for a cumulative total of 149. Of these, 23 were in intensive care, an increase of 3. 15,259 tests were taken on August 11, for a total of 1,409,690. 53 441 of those infected across the province are considered recovered.
In the Eastern Townships only one new case was reported, bringing the regional total to 1,099, of which 1,019 have recovered and 26 have died.