By Matthew McCully
The results of the maple taste test held on Saturday, can be best summed up by this exchange with one of the participants:
“So, is it dark syrup, or light?”
“It’s delicious!”
The young journalists of The Point, a new online youth newspaper published monthly via The Record, were busy on Saturday morning at Square Queen handing out spoons of syrup, collecting data from the maple taste test, and interviewing locals about their favourite maple recipes.
Over 50 people came by to participate, or just to catch up with neighbours and friends for a chat.
Some who stopped by also tested their maple knowledge by filling out a quiz prepared by the Eastern Townships Resource Centre, and many were stumped by the questions, some dating back to maple statistics from over 100 years ago.
In addition to the maple taste test, participants were treated to some maple cake, as well as the traditional Quebecois dessert, ‘pettes de soeurs’ while perusing a collage of maple-related articles published by The Record over its 126-year history, and photos from countless sugaring off parties.
Keep an eye out for the next edition of The Point, which will include an article about the results of the maple taste test.
For those curious about the results of the ETRC quiz, The Record will post both the questions and answers later this week, along with the winner of the quiz, drawn at random, who will receive a basket of maple goodies.
The Record would like to thank Thomas McConnell (Sawyerville), Alan Sharman (Hatley), John and Diane Rhicard (Stanbridge East) and Grace and Jimmy Johnston (Melbourne) for providing syrup for the challenge.