It’s lights on in Sherbrooke again

It’s lights on in Sherbrooke again
Gary Beaulieu

Record Staff

La balade scintillante, a tour featuring an interactive map marking homes and businesses decorated with holiday lights, is up and running again this year in Sherbrooke. Organized as a friendly competition, the tour allows locals and visitors the opportunity to enjoy an enchanting ride through the city.

The first edition of La balade scintillante was a great success with more than 90,000 downloads of the interactive map and 415 lit up homes and businesses to discover. The two organizations that oversee Sherbrooke’s economic development, Commerce Sherbrooke and Destination Sherbrooke, hope to add magic and warmth to the holiday season once again.

New features:
Among the new features of the 2021 edition, the winners will be selected mainly at random from among the entries in the various lighting categories. Following the launch of the interactive map, detailed itineraries for walking or driving will be proposed in the sectors where there is a greater concentration of decorations. Walks can be accompanied by holiday music playlists.
Registration is open!

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