The JEVI Suicide Prevention Center ended its 33rd annual fundraising campaign, the JEVI Lottery, on Wednesday, June 6, during a festive 5 à 7 held at the Julien-Ducharme Centre in Fleurimont. The evening was very popular with the some 300 ticket buyers gathered to see selection of the 11 JEVI Lottery Grand Prizes and 16 door prizes. The JEVI Board Chair, Michel Thibault, took advantage of the large gathering in support of suicide prevention to remind the audience of what the sums raised by this fundraising activity are used for: "In terms of self-financing, this annual lottery is our main engine,” he said. ”By contributing, you have helped us keep two professionals in service of people in distress and their loved ones. The evening is not just about JEVI, not just about you, who made this fundraising campaign a huge success again this year; this evening is about the connection between us and us all united in suicide prevention in Estrie." See full story in the Friday, June 8 edition of The Record.