King’s Hall reunion weekend

King’s Hall reunion weekend


The King’s Hall Compton, Class of ‘63, reunited this past weekend on the campus of Bishop’s College School to celebrate their 60th class reunion.

Seventeen traveled from the West, the East, and the USA to be together and reminisce over 60 years of friendship. They were welcomed by a BBQ with BCS staff.

Hing’s Hall was a private boarding school for girls. In 1972, the school merged with BCS.

Traveling on the BCS minibus, the alumnae stopped for a tour at King’s Hall, lunch at Fromagerie La Station de Compton, trip to the Coaticook Ice Cream Parlor for a delicious treat, and their last stop, a wonderful visit to St. Laurent Museum where 60 years ago they spent their bi-weekly pocket money of 35 cents on candy. Fun fact: When Bernard St. Laurent heard they were coming, he made the trip to meet them as he was the young boy who worked in the store back in the day.

The next day was another excursion, off the class of ‘63 went to North Hatley together again in the minibus. They stopped for lunch at the Massawippi Mercantile, then took in all North Hatley has to offer. Then back to  BCS for our second Dining Hall experience. Memorabilia everywhere, with names of all the Headmistresses of King’s Hall painted on the walls, Ms. Laura Joll’s portrait along with others as well.

Sitting at the tables brought back similar memories of the Dining Hall at KHC.

All stand when the teacher arrives at the table!

Another highlight was Head Girl, J. Partridge playing the organ to their school song, 40 Years On, but added on the lyrics for both 50 and 60.

  1. Belton presented a slide show of all their get- togethers to date as well as a Memorial Tribute to the classmates who are no longer with them.

Saturday, up bright and early, breakfast and goodbyes in the Gillard House dormitory until they meet again.


Submitted by Susan Cook

Event Management & Alumni Services Coordinator

Bishop’s College School


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