By Emilie Hackett, Special to the Record – Jazmine Aldrich, intern at the Lennoxville-Ascot Historical and Museum Society (LAHMS), has been working on a special project that requires the public’s support. LAHMS wants your photos! “I am this year’s intern at LAHMS through Bishop’s University, where I am currently completing my History Honours. My project consists of soliciting donations of photographs to the archives. My role is to contact local organizations, local media, and to reach out to individuals. Once donations start coming in, I will be indexing donations to keep track of the photographs and I’ll be responsible for establishing donation agreements,” explained Aldrich. “We’re searching for anything that falls within what was formally known as Ascot Township, such as Lennoxville, Huntingville, Milby, etc. We’re willing to consider anything that we are offered.” See full story in the Monday, Feb. 11 edition of The Record.