Lennoxville Curling Club’s Pie Bonspiel results

Lennoxville Curling Club’s Pie Bonspiel results

By Allan Rowell


Sixteen rinks began competing on March 5 for the three trophies up for grabs in the annual Lennoxville Curling Club’s Men’s Bonspiel, which remains one of the Eastern Township’s blue-ribbon curling events. The three trophies being the John Nichol Memorial Trophy, the William Smith Memorial Trophy and the J.S. Mooney Memorial Trophy – respectively sponsored by the Nichol, the Smith and the Mooney families who have been stalwart supporters of curling in Lennoxville since the inception of the club in 1923.

Players from Sherbrooke, Magog, North Hatley, Danville, Sutton and Lennoxville clubs took part in the bonspiel with four Lennoxville teams making the finals. After several years of hiatus the annual pie banquet returned with 100 pies for the curlers to enjoy – one pie for each year the Lennoxville Curling Club has been in operation!!

By the end of Saturday March 11, top honours for the 91st annual John Nichol Memorial Trophy final went to Glenn Buck’s foursome, made up of three Lennoxville players and a Sherbrooke player, who out lasted Marty Rourke’s North Hatley squad in a keenly played match. Glenn is no stranger to the bonspiel as this is the third time that he has copped the Nichol Trophy.


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