Letting the cat out of the bag

Letting the cat out of the bag

Black Cat Books soon to unveil new website


By William Crooks


Lennoxville’s Black Cat Books bookstore will soon have a new website. The Record dropped by and spoke with its relatively new owner Anne-Marie Bailey to get the ins and outs.

Black Cat Books offers new and used books (and coffee) and the possibility of placing special orders. Bailey is working on a new website, which should be ready this fall, just in time for Black Cat Books’ 25th anniversary. The bookstore hosts regular events, such as book launches and readings, throughout the year. There have been around eight so far this year, she said. There will be two more in August. Details of these events and more will be available on their new website.

“It’s basically been business as usual,” Bailey said, referring to how things have gone since she took over. A few sections have been changed around, she noted, with some used travel and humour books being moved to make room for new books along the front wall.

Running an independent bookstore is not without its challenges. “I’m an introvert,” she admitted, so chatting with customers is not always easy. There is more involved than she initially thought, she said. “There’s a bit more stress than I thought there would be… but it’s not a stressful job,” she stated, referring to some of the administrative aspects of the position, especially taxes and GST reports. These are things she has never had to do before and can be complicated.

“It’s just nice to hold a book and flip pages,” she said, which is why many prefer real books over reading off a screen. People that love books, love books, she stated.

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