Living a healthy lifestyle can also improve your vision

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Living a healthy lifestyle can also improve your vision

The Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) has declared the month of May to be Vision Health month, their mission to bring awareness to your eye health. Having regular eye checkups can prevent eye disease and this month is the perfect time to prioritize your visit to an eye doctor. Your eyes indicate how healthy you are overall and a specialist can tell in the blink of an eye. Living a healthy lifestyle can improve your vision and combined with a proper eye care regime can enhance your active life, keeping you at the top of your game. With today's advanced eye care technology, your vision can be treated for conditions such as presbyopia, which commonly affects people around age 40. As our eyes age, they naturally weaken from overuse of reading electronic devices as well as printed material in poor lighting. Your quality of life could be affected by your weakening vision, causing anxiety and lack of confidence. Some of the symptoms include difficulty focusing on small objects and ability to read fine print. Alcon multifocal lenses are effective in treating presbyopia. See full story in the Friday, May 4th edition of The Record.

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