By Gordon Lambie
A plan to establish a private rehabilitation centre on the site of the former White Fathers monastery on Cardinal-Lavigerie road in Lennoxville has become a cause for worry and frustration from similar centres across the Eastern Townships. Jean Defonvieille, executive director of the Maison Nouvelle Vie Centre in St-Joseph de Ham Sud, told The Record that he and his counterparts have concerns not just about the introduction of duplicate services into a saturated market, but of unbalanced decisionmaking on the part of the city and the local healthcare establishment.
“All of our centres, within the last three years, have had visits from the certification team from the CIUSSS to discuss and verify that the right people were in the right bed with the proper approach.” Defonvieille said, referring to the nine local centres whose directors co-signed a letter to the city of Sherbrooke that shares their fears about the new facility.