Jack Wilson
Special to The Record
In the aftermath of a devastating earthquake, three Syrians at Bishop’s University jumped into action to raise funds and awareness on campus. Muhi Eddin Tahhan, a student at Bishop’s, worked alongside Mai Aljounde and Joy Korji, two graduates. Their “Save Syria” campaign has raised over $800 in cash donations.
“The campaign kind of started from a feeling of helplessness,” said Aljounde, who works in the Bishop’s international office. The trio decided “we should do something about this.”
All three of them have family in Syria. Korji has brothers and other relatives in Aleppo, one of the hardest hit areas. As a result of the earthquake, his family there had to leave their homes.
Aljounde said she was glad to be raising awareness for Syria, which she said is out of the spotlight more than a decade after the start of the 2011 civil war. Public attention “works like trends, like clothes or sunglasses or cars,” Aljounde said.