For the first time, residents of the Estrie Region will be able to get vaccinated against COVID-19 starting next week. The vaccinations will take place at the Centre de foires in Sherbrooke
The regional health administration has made the decision to prioritize the personnel, students, and doctors working in long term care homes for this first round of vaccinations. This includes care workers connected to private and public long term care homes (CHSLDs), but excludes administrative staff for the time being.
The Sherbrooke conference centre was chosen as the vaccination site because it has already been set up as a high-capacity site for the seasonal flu vaccine, and because storing the supply of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in one location will help with the need to keep it at very low temperatures prior to being administered.
As more vaccines become available in Canada, vaccination will be expanded to include more people, based on a priority list that has been established by the provincial government.
The full prioritization order can be found on under the vaccination heading of the COVID-19 section.
The province of Québec reported1,855 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, bringing the total number of people infected to 171,028, of which 145,532 people have now recovered and 17,861 are considered currently active. The data also reported 22 new deaths, for a total of 7,635. The number of hospitalizations increased by 27 compared to the previous day, for a cumulative total of 1,002. Among these, the number of people in intensive care increased by 6, for a total of 134.
In the Estrie there were 103 new cases reported, bringing the regional total to 6,419, of which 5,198 are considered recovered and 1,109 are currently active. There were five new deaths reported in the Estrie on Thursday, bringing the total to 112, and a total of 39 people were in hospital for reasons related to COVID-19, three of whom were in intensive care.
Local vaccination to start in Sherbrooke next week
Record Staff