Lots coming up at Uplands

Lots coming up at Uplands
Dinah Duffield, Coordinator of Exhibitions and Nancy Robert, Executive Director at Uplands Cultural and Heritage Centre, preparing for the opening of a new exhibit featuring 12 English-speaking Townships artists this Sunday, June 2 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. at the centre. The exhibition will run until Sept. 1. (Photo : Matthew McCully)

By Matthew McCully – Despite the cold weather, Uplands Cultural and Heritage Centre has managed to bloom in spring this year with something colourful to enjoy in every corner of the museum as of this Sunday. In the main gallery, the second installation of Art Bridge, a project highlighting English-speaking artists from the Townships, will feature 12 local artists. The first installation, called Our Heritage, offered a look at the past, featuring the work of artists Kay Kinsman, Nina M. Owens, Muffy Tippet and Minnie Gill. The current exhibition, Our Townships, features a dozen contemporary artists of various styles and mediums in a group show. See full story in the Wednesday, May 29 edition of The Record.

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