Making history: Richmond County Historical Society

Submitted by Bev Taber Smith

In these days of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic we are collecting memories. Richmond County Historical Society is among several other organizations gathering and preserving our experiences, feelings and our isolation realities for our archives and future research. The intent is to begin gathering testimonials on the pandemic‘s effects so we are seeking a summer student to research and document the Covid-19 experience primarily locally in Richmond County and also beyond. Details are available on the RCHS Facebook page. Applicants must register with Young Canada Works and comply with this funding agency’s eligibility guidelines. This social documentation will be presented on our website (currently under reconstruction), Facebook page and archives.
The community is invited to submit letters, photos (people and objects), videos, diaries, poems, drawings, etc. to show the life you are experiencing these days. What does your day look like? Have you developed a new skill such as bread-making or knitting? Have you returned to earlier skills of long ago? What is your child feeling about the change in lifestyle? How is your business affected? How are seniors coping both living at home or in a residence? How has your life changed if you are unemployed? As a health care worker how are you coping?
Contributions from all ages are encouraged and for further information contact Norma at 819-826-2267 or We are making history each day; it is important to share our stories to pass on to future generations.

Published in the Monday, April 27 edition of The Record.

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