BCN Staff – The Knowlton Players’ popular production of Mamma Mia came to a close over the weekend. The show, directed by Lucy Hoblyn, included a cast of 40. Six different choreographers helped to prepare the musical. The set, designed by Danny McAuley, was built to specially to accommodate the large cast. The production in many wasy was a family affair starring Sheila McManus on stage alongside her son Riley and husband Bill Jarand. Hoblyn’s parents were also part of the cast. The Brown/Gauthier/Beaulne family took part as a whole, including first timer Alan Gauthier playing Harry. Other newcomers to the Knowlton Players stage included Carole Goulet, Sheila Quinn, Louise Gelinas, the Alexandre family (Dorothy, Brandon and Thomas) and Daniel Jannack. According to cast and audience members, the show was a resounding success. Published in the April 9 edition of the Brome County News.