Marguerite Knapp ­building gets some ­breathing room

By Staff Writer
Marguerite Knapp ­building gets some ­breathing room

Following the news that the Marguerite Knapp building, a hub of community resources for English-speaking Townshippers, was slated to close its doors, the various groups sharing the building began the scramble for new office space. However, a gleam of hope has appeared over the horizon. According to the Townshippers’ Association president Gerald Cutting, some “pretty major shifts have occurred,” regarding the future of the building. According to Cutting, the Eastern Townships School Board (ETSB), which had been renting out the space to the groups for a very reasonable price, has decided to bring in the big guns in an effort to prolong the life of the Marguerite Knapp for at least another year, allowing current tenants to shop around for a new home. See full story in the Wednesday, May 30 edition of The Record.

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