Massey-Vanier High School on blast for sexual violence allegations

Massey-Vanier High School on blast for sexual violence allegations

By Bird Bouchard


A group of parents and students is calling out Massey-Vanier High School for allegedly failing to protect students from sexual harassment.

A demonstration was held on Monday on the campus to bring the issue to light.

Anastasia Spanos, a parent whose children attend the school, along with a number of female students, are claiming they’re being targeted at school and their complaints aren’t being taken seriously. She said students have made several formal complaints in the last year and a half alone, but they are still dissatisfied with how the school and school board are handling complaints.

“My daughter is scared she’ll be the next victim,” said Spanos. “Nothing being done makes them feel unsafe. Enough is enough.”

The mother said students are now afraid to walk in the hallways or go to the bathroom alone. She said for the last year and a half, children at the school have been living in fear, missing school, been depressed, felt blame and have even been suicidal.

Spanos said she has spoken with the principal but wasn’t satisfied and wanted to speak to someone from the school board. She contacted the Eastern Townships School Board via email but has not heard back. Tired of not being heard, Spanos contacted a group called “La voix des jeunes compte” and collaborated to organize a protest at the school on March 20.


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