By Matthew McCully – Well-known local breeder and dairy cow judge Callum Mckinven came home from the Toronto Royal Agricultural Winter Fair with top honours in the Intermediate Champion Holstein show. Actually, Mckinven was just the lovely assistant. Mapeley Goldwyn Julia did most of the work. Another of Mckinven’s entries, Garay Awesome Beauty, also had a first place finish in the junior two-year-old category. “It’s been quite a few years since I had a winner in the Holstein cow classes,” Mckinven said. Julia and Awesome Beauty were just two of the 25 head that Mckinven loaded up and brought to The Royal, held between Nov.2-11. He had a number of first place finishes for his other breeds, but was most proud of his Holsteins. “Julia was right on the money for her class,” he said, adding that Awesome Beauty definitely lived up to her name at the fair. See full story in the Tuesday, Nov. 20 edition of The Record.