A new initiative has kicked off in Brome Lake known as the Meals4Heroes program. Started by locals Jessica and Amy Brown, the project provides meals and snacks as a show of appreciation to individuals working in essential services and jobs, as well as volunteers working to help the community.
The Meals4Heroes program in Brome Lake was inspired by a similar initiative started by two close friends of the Brown’s in New York City. “New York has been really hard hit so we thought we could do something here, on a much smaller level of course, in Brome Lake,” said Jessica.
The initiative is all about showing appreciation to those who are currently working in essential services by providing them with healthy meals and snacks to get them through the day. “It’s a grassroots movement to show a little bit of appreciation to local businesses in Brome Lake that are staying open because they are essential services and the medical teams that are working when we’re not. We wanted to give back to them; we’re fortunate that we’re okay but we know they’re working hard and putting themselves at risk.”
Amy and Jessica started off by sending out e-mails to family, friends, and business associates to inform them of the plan and invite contributions. “We wanted to do something that we could easily put together as a grassroots movement and that we could do quickly and efficiently,” said Amy. “If it ended quickly, well, at least we provided a few meals to those that are working because they are putting themselves in harm’s way right now.”
“The idea is twofold,” Jessica explained. “It’s a gesture of appreciation to the people that have to work and to those working voluntarily and also to support businesses that are struggling.”
After sending out a number of e-mails, the response from the community has been positive, the organizers said. “We are really overwhelmed with people’s generosity and how they have responded to this,” emphasized Amy.
The generosity on the part of the community has so far allowed Amy and Jessica to purchase meals and snacks from different local businesses, such as Café Floral and TraiteurLD, that were delivered to staff members at places like the Familiprix and to the Medical Clinic.
On Thursday, Buzz Café donated meals that were delivered to 16 employees at the Uniprix and on Friday Jessica and Amy brought trays full of snacks for the employees at the Manoir Lac-Brome.
Each of these meals and snacks are individually wrapped and packaged to avoid cross contamination.
Next week, they plan on visiting the CLSC, the emergency daycare workers, and they are also trying to set things up with BMP Hospital Foundation to see how they could help there. “We are super appreciative and they work really hard,” said Jessica. “There is so much need in the community right now it’s hard to say who needs it most but this is really a gesture of appreciation for the people who have been keeping things flowing for us.”
“We appreciate everything. What the front liners are doing and how community is responding; they are responding remarkably well for a situation that is difficult for all of us,” said Amy.
Meals4Heroes initiative in Brome Lake
By Taylor McClure, Special to Brome County News
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