Memphremagog open swim coming up July 14 and 15

Memphremagog open swim coming up July 14 and 15

Record Staff


The Club de Natation Memphrémagog, in collaboration with the Ville de Magog and the Club de triathlon Memphrémagog, is proud to announce the upcoming Eau Libre Memphrémagog (open water swim) event, to be held on July 14 and 15, 2023, on the shores of magnificent Lake Memphrémagog, in Magog, Qc.

During these two days of competition sanctioned by the Fédération de Natation du Québec (FNQ), athletes over 11 years of age will have the chance to challenge themselves in the 500m, 1,500m, 1,900m, 5km and 10km events.

Water safety will be top priority for swimmers, with courses marked out by buoys, and a dozen lifeguards on the water. Swimmers in the 5km and 10km events will be required to wear an open-water buoy. In addition, the MRC and SQ will be on the water, along with volunteer boats to ensure that boaters bypass the course and stay at least 75 metres away from the swimmers.

Nearly 200 swimmers are expected from across Quebec, plus a few from other provinces, and even one from Europe! Registration is still open until 11 p.m. on July 11.

For more information and registration visit the website

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