Mont-Megantic International Dark Sky Reserve: More to the night sky than meets the eye

By Taylor McClure, Special to The Record

On Sept. 21, 2007, ASTROLab founder and director Bernard Malenfant was presented with a certificate from the International Dark Sky Reserve Association in recognition of the world’s first ever International Dark Sky Reserve.
The Mont-Megantic Dark Sky Reserve, which surrounds the Mont-Megantic Observatory located in Mont-Megantic National Park, was created with the goal of reducing light pollution, conserving energy, and protecting the dark sky for the future research of the Mont-Megantic Observatory, one of the most important research facilities in the country for the study of astronomy and astrophysics. It was also created with the tourism potential of Mont-Megantic Park in mind. In addition to the observatory, Mont-Megantic National Park also has an interpretation center called ASTROlab. Their role is to educate the public in the fields of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology and Aerospace, and to present the research and technological advances of the Mont-Megantic Observatory. See full story in the Friday, Oct. 11 edition of The Record.

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