The format of a My Take is 150 words – no more, no less – to express an opinion on a different topic each week. This week’s topic was work/life balance.
By Jack Wilson
With unemployment in Canada at all-time lows, workers have an opportunity. Harder to replace and thus harder to fire, they have more leverage than normal.
There are lots of things workers could ask for. Pay that keeps up with the eye-popping rate of inflation? A four-day work week? Instead, the internet comes up with “bare minimum Mondays.” TikToker Marisa Jo Mayes would have us fill working Mondays with Bananagrams and skin-care routines.
Approaches like this are a problem because they put the onus on the worker to find work-life balance. With workers holding rare leverage over employers, solutions to burnout should focus on what employers can do for them. Four-day work weeks can increase productivity and improve mental health. Paying a living wage instead of a starvation minimum wage is a no brainer. Let’s suggest constructive changes and forget about this “bare minimum Monday” nonsense.