My Take

My Take
The format of a My Take is 150 words – no more, no less – to express an opinion on a different topic each week. This week’s topic was Film and TV.

By Matthew McCully


I think I’ve spent more time in the last month looking for something to watch than enjoying a movie or series.

It seems like it was just yesterday my brothers and sisters and I were fighting over who would hold the rabbit ears in place so we could sort of see a show on one of the three black and white channels we had.

I mean, on several occasions I sat through 100 Huntley Street, and not for comic relief.

And then all of a sudden, put a million options in front of me and I come up empty.

Don’t want to commit to a movie, but don’t want to start a new series before finishing another, but that one only releases episodes weekly, but I need to hurry cause I’m about to get booted off my aunt’s Netflix, but, but, but…I should read more.


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