My Take

My Take

The format of a My Take is 150 words – no more, no less – to express an opinion on a different topic each week. This week’s topic was a wildcard.


By Lawrence Belanger


I guess this is my second “metatextual My Take” in a row, after last week’s opinion about opinions. A “wildcard” take since none of us had anything that we could all give our two cents on. It made me think about how blank this time of year is. For many Canadians and Americans, I would wager that January has no major exciting yearly events or holidays like many other months do. December and October have major cultural holidays Christmas and Halloween, summer is full of outdoor recreation and cultural festivals, and March or April has Easter. Valentine’s Day gets February an honourable mention. May and June at least have mother’s and father’s day for people to look forward to. In January, we’re all just waiting to leave our comatose state as we recover from the hecticness December imposes on our jobs, social lives, and finances.

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