The format of a My Take is 150 words – no more, no less – to express an opinion on a different topic each week. This week’s topic was convocation.
The light at the end of the tunnel for Covid marks a return to normal events as well, which thankfully means students are once again getting their well-deserved celebration. For me, I experienced firsthand the deflation that was graduation without elation when my final year of CEGEP ended as the quarantine began. For many, final projects, end-of-year parties and last goodbyes were all unceremoniously cancelled, with nothing but a pat on the back in the mail as a reward for years of hard work. Graduation is a time for celebrating, a time to be happy and proud of what you’ve done, a time for proper send-offs after working tirelessly for so long, and to have it replaced by deafening silence turns a highest high into one of the lowest lows. As such, I’m incredibly glad students got to have their earned triumph once again.