As part of my (very stressful) Grade 2 schoolwork, I submitted turkey art to the local fair. Visualize turkey feathers traced from my hand, pom-pom decals, a crude amount of pipe cleaners, and a whole lot of imagination. Surprisingly, I received a second-place ribbon for my efforts, which I proceeded to not shut up about for years. That prized ribbon was on the wall of my room for a long time.
The beauty of fairs is the diverse offerings that bring the community together. To many of my friends, fairs meant showing their cattle after days of hard work in 4-H. To my farmer parents, fairs created an opportunity to analyze the best livestock, while also creating an excuse to drink with old friends. For me, fairs not only supplied me with renowned turkey art ability, but also made me thankful of my rural upbringing.
My Take: By Cassie MacDonell
By Cassie MacDonell