The format of a My Take is 150 words – no more, no less – to express an opinion on a different topic each week. The topic this week was: the municipal elections.
Have you heard this one? Teacher asks, “What do your parents do?” and Billy answers, “Mom takes care of all the little things, like meals, laundry, cleaning, shopping, so Dad can focus on the big stuff… like peace in the Middle East and the Cuban Missile Crisis.”
With social media alerts buzzing in our pockets, the seduction to nationalize and globalize our attention has only grown stronger as that joke grows more outdated.
But when we step out onto a plowed sidewalk, or turn on the taps, or flush the toilet, or pull out of the driveway, or call for help with a fire, so much of our daily comfort depends on hard work and good governance by our neighbours.
Municipal governments may be stuck taking care of all the little things, but it’s the little things that make a home.