My Take: By Gordon Lambie

My Take: By Gordon Lambie

Reports on traffic accidents often mention, “serious but non life-threatening injuries.” It’s police shorthand for the fact that these individuals are not going to be publicly identified, but it is also a small phrase that can have big meanings.
Someone with “serious but non life-threatening injuries,” could make a full recovery, or maybe they will never walk again. They could be physically fine, but have to live with the fact that the rest of their family died while they were unconscious.
A brief mentioning “serious but non life-threatening injuries,” disappears almost immediately for the reader, while the trauma can live on across lifetimes for victims and their families.
There are countless “serious but non life-threatening injuries” out there every day. If an issue only grabs attention when it has a death toll, then we are waiting too long to tune in, let alone help out.

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