I can’t wait for the day I am finally vaccinated – even if it is with a vaccine that is only 60 to 70 per cent effective after its first dose. Heck, I’ve eaten peanuts left on tables in foreign countries – I think the damage has already been done.
But I am also young, with a fairly good immune system and I can understand reservations.
Informed consent means allowing people the time to do research and making educated decisions based on facts. I can understand frustrations of being injected with a seemingly “subpar” vaccine. A quick google search will flood you with articles where it’s hypothesized that AstraZeneca causes blood clots – it’s scary. I get it.
Informed consent, however, does not allow you to spread misinformation originating from a xenophobic mentality.
AstraZeneca is not less effective because it was imported from a Third World country. Period.