My Take: By Matthew McCully

My Take: By Matthew McCully

This curfew is like giving a toddler a sippy cup full of juice in the car, telling them not to drink it, then refusing to pull over to pee, cause they drank it anyway.
It’s pretty clear the curfew itself won’t actually do much more than transition Netflix and chill into sleepovers. The goal is to scare the population into line.
A wakeup call, I can agree with.
What I don’t like is that the narrative has shifted from we’re all in this together to it’s your fault.
This, from a government so desperate to placate the population they tried to pass off a turkey-cures-Covid Christmas plan.
Half measures. Unclear directives. Exceptions for the elite. And now a ‘look what you made me do’ curfew.
But keep on traveling, going to school, working, just make sure you get home by eight to incubate.


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