The format of a My Take is 150 words – no more, no less – to express an opinion on a different topic each week. This week’s topic was Quebec’s values.
I think the majority of Quebecers are more worried about the healthcare system in crisis than how French the frites are at the Casse-Croute.
I can’t believe my government has the nerve to try and disguise discrimination as a set of Quebec values, and then suggest most of the population shares that opinion.
Like, seriously, beware the dangers of multiculturalism.
The next thing you know, we’ll have equity, diversity and then omg wait, no, not inclusion?!
Rich white men might have to find other hobbies besides politics. Crying shame really, social engineering is way more fun than golf.
Build those walls! Tie those tongues! Put the cheese before the sauce on that poutine!
The trouble is, nobody reacts to policies that don’t directly affect them.
Well in my book, if you hear a racist joke and say nothing, you may as well have told it.