I went for a COVID-19 test on Monday afternoon and I’m happy to report that I received a negative diagnosis on Wednesday.
I haven’t been sick. I didn’t have any symptoms. I haven’t been hanging around bars or restaurants. I do play soccer, however, and I spend time with family and friends.
I can’t always account for the whereabouts of the people around me. I don’t know what the people I see on the soccer field do on a daily basis.
The thought had been nagging at me for a while now. I felt guilty not knowing, like I was a liability. And I can tell you first-hand that the process really isn’t that bad.
Is the 10-second nose swab uncomfortable? Yes. But it’s worth it just for the piece of mind. If you’re feeling guilty or exhibiting symptoms, visit a local screening test clinic.
My Take: By Michael Boriero
By Michael Boriero