The format of a My Take is 150 words – no more, no less – to express an opinion on a different topic each week. This week the topic was the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Are we really starting to refuse COVID-19 vaccines? Really? One year into a pandemic that has left millions dead and people are opting out of receiving a shot that is 60 per cent efficient against a deadly virus, which last time I checked is a lot better than zero.
The AstraZeneca vaccine might not be as eye-catching as Moderna or Pfizer, but after a second dose it becomes nearly 90 per cent efficient. I’m not an expert, but that seems pretty darn good to me.
The goal is to keep people out of hospitals, right? And with a potential THIRD wave on our heels, it is even more important for everyone to consider the ramifications of simply refusing a vaccine because it isn’t as efficient as the other options.
It’s already a miracle that we have three viable vaccines. Don’t be selfish now.