My Take: By Michael Boriero

My Take: By Michael Boriero

I’m far removed from my prom night. After all, it happened over 10 years ago. I do remember being unenthusiastic about the whole event, though.
Of course, I still had a great time. I was just going through a “devastating” high school break up, so it’s possible I went into the evening slightly on the bitter side.
While I don’t think prom ever quite lives up your expectations, I do think it is an important rite of passage for a lot of people.
It’s a chance for students to celebrate with the rest of their grade class. It’s also the last time you’ll be around the majority of your classmates before heading to college.
Quebec needs to find a way to bring prom back this year. If we can have 2,500 strangers at the Bell Centre, I’m sure we can figure something out for students.


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