The format of a My Take is 150 words – no more, no less – to express an opinion on a different topic each week. The topic this week was: NOBs (election candidates whose only purpose is to serve as a name on a ballot)
I live in a predominantly Liberal neighbourhood in Montreal. The current candidate is seeking a third consecutive victory at the federal polls. And honestly, it isn’t even a fair fight this year.
As soon as you walk outside you’re practically blinded by about 50 posters of their face all along the main boulevard. It’s a complete ghost town when it comes to the other candidates.
In a year where seemingly everyone has questioned Trudeau’s leadership, and lambasted him for calling a snap election, it surprises me to not at least see some pushback.
It sort of seems like the perfect opportunity to jump at voters who might be considering a switch in allegiance. But I don’t know, maybe the riding just seems like a lost cause.
It feels pointless to simply put a few names on a ballot, though, without promoting them in any way.