The format of a My Take is 150 words – no more, no less – to express an opinion on a different topic each week. This week’s topic was the vax tax.
I realize that Legault announcing a potential tax on the unvaccinated population is likely just another cry for attention leading up to the provincial election. I really can’t see this happening.
But for a second just imagine if it actually came true. First of all, I struggle to see how this can even legally happen in the province, but I’m not a lawyer, or a constitutional expert.
And while I’m all for incentivizing the unvaccinated population to finally go out and get their first jab, wouldn’t this measure just marginalize more people and create even greater divides?
What even is a “significant” amount? How does this impact people with lower incomes? What about people with medical exemptions? And honestly, will we ever find out?
The answer is probably not. Legault knows how to push the right buttons, which is exactly what he did this week.