News quiz for local students

News quiz for local students

It’s time to test the knowledge of young people in the Townships and see who’s keeping up with the news.
The Record publishes a quiz each week with five questions related to news that appeared the week before in the paper.
Students at the elementary and high school level are invited to read through the paper to find the answers and then send them by email to our editorial team.
At the end of the month, any students who participate and answer the quiz questions will be entered into a draw to win a 16-GB Fire tablet.
Each time a student answers a different quiz, their name will be re-entered, increasing their chances of winning a tablet.
Don’t have access to The Record?
No problem.
All schools in the Eastern Townships School Board have access to the e-edition of the paper, so ask a teacher or principal for help to get connected.
Send your answers to
For more information about the quiz and how to participate, call the newsroom at 819-569-6345.

Last week’s questions and answers
1) What is Global School Play Day?
Answer: It encourages anything between an hour to a full day of unstructured play time at school.
2) What is one of the problems regarding domestic violence cases in Quebec?
Answer: There aren’t enough specialized lawyers that deal specifically with domestic violence.
3) What is Vieux Clocher owner Bernard Caza’s opinion about theatres remaining closed?
Answer: He does not completely understand why movie theatres got the green light but not theatres.
4) What did some scammers do during their off-period?
Answer: They went from residence calls to emailing surveys to potential victims.
5) What do landlords need to do before evicting someone from their home?
Answer: They must first pass through the Tribunal administratif du logement.

This week’s questions
1) How did Mary Harvey become a theatre professor at Bishop’s University?
2) What did the Wales Home do immediately after the Eastern Townships went into lock-down?
3) What is happening to St. Luke’s Church in Magog?
4) What two factors kept Marisa Rodrigues in the nursing program at Champlain College?
5) What is the current starting salary for a school crossing guard?

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