The village of North Hatley is famous for being one of the most beautiful small villages in Quebec. With its undeniable scenery, it is a major attraction for those looking to get away for the summer and some have built secondary residences, villas, and cottages around Lake Massawippi where they can enjoy the natural beauty of area. While the village only has a small population of a few hundred people, it has a long history of being the place to be when vacationing in the Townships. Before European settlement, Massawippi Outlet (the town’s original name), was inhabited by the Abenaki. They used the land to hunt, fish, and to carry out ceremonies that were a crucial part of their identity. In 1792, the Eastern Townships was opened up to settlement by Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, Alured Clarke. Captain Ebenezer Hovey, from Connecticut, became the first white settler to stumble across Lake Massawippi. In 1803, the Crown granted the Township of Hatley, named after an English village, to Hovey, Henry Cull, and their associates. See full story in the Tuesday, Nov. 19 edition of The Record.
North Hatley: A hidden treasure in the Townships
By Taylor McClure, Special to The Record
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