North Hatley caught between a daycare and a health co-op

North Hatley caught between a daycare and a health co-op

By Matthew McCully


Over 80 members of the public attended an information session in North Hatley on Thursday evening, hoping for clarity on two potential projects the municipality is mulling over.

During the three-hour meeting, citizens were treated to a presentation by CPE Les petits Hêtres, a daycare hoping to move into town temporarily, as well as a pitch from a representative from the Massawippi Valley Foundation, eyeing North Hatley as the potential location for a satellite clinic to complement the Centre de Santé de la Vallée Massawippi (CSVM) health coop located in Ayer’s Cliff.

While the general tone expressed during the meeting suggested residents could see the benefits of both projects in town, it was the where, when and how, and the misconception that both projects were fait accompli that garnered distrust.

The main bone of contention regarding the daycare was the proposed location, the North Hatley municipal building, more specifically, the community centre.

According to Andrée-Anne Beaulieu and Vincent Bégin, representing the daycare, Les petits Hêtres has approval for a new daycare in Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley, but construction won’t be complete until 2024, possibly 2025.

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