By Emilie Hackett, Special to the Record – Townshippers’ Association partnered with Richard Williams, English teacher at North Hatley Elementary School (NHES), to launch a student-written short story book entitled ‘The Felix Narratives.’ Under the “Write here, write now!” (WHWN) project, 18 Grade 5 and 6 students were invited to create a short story based on a murder mystery activity they experienced earlier in 2019. They received their copy of the book during a launch held at the school on Thursday.
WHWN is a project that aims to encourage and help grow writing in the Eastern Townships. They worked closely with Williams and his class, offering writing workshops and other activities designed to nurture the creative writing skills of young Townshippers under the guidance of project coordinator Jan Draper. See full story in the Friday, June 14 edition of The Record.