By Matthew McCully – “You trust the people you are supposed to trust,” commented Tracy Wing, mother of Riley Fairholm, the 17-year-old youth shot and killed by provincial police on July 25, 2018 in Brome Lake. Kept in the dark for hours about her son’s condition on the night of the shooting and prevented from seeing and holding him until four days after his death, Wing and Riley’s father Larry Fairholm filed complaints with the police ethics commission as well as the CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS. Riley’s death is also under investigation by the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes (BEI), the police watchdog that looks into all cases involving police where a person is injured or killed, or a police firearm is discharged. After the first round of responses to their complaints from the hospital, Wing said there is no consolation. “I never really was upset with the doctor,” Wing said. Her motivation for the medical complaint was to get confirmation in writing that the doctor and coroner had no objection to Wing being brought to see her son after she had been told he died. See full story in the Thursday, Jan. 31 edition of The Record.