Compton-Stanstead MP Marie-Claude Bibeau was at Lake Massawippi over for the weekend for the launch of two major projects being developed by Blue Massawippi over the next three years.
Bibeau announced an investment of $100,000 that will fund one of the initiatives, Intelligent Boating Phase 2, a project that has been of great interest to her since it started in 2016. This funding is provided as part of Transport Canada’s Boating Safety Contribution Program. Over the past two years, Intelligent Boating has been developing new approaches aimed at changing attitudes and streamling the federal regulatory process related to boating. Starting with ecologically sensitive zones, a geo-referenced map and an online application, Blue Massawippi raises awareness, conducts research and finds science-based solutions for Canadian lakes. The first conclusions drawn from Intelligent Boating contributed to Transport Canada’s initiative to modernize federal regulation related to recreational boating and simplify the process for municipalities. Above all, the findings opened the door to legislative intervention based on environmental criteria. See full story in the Monday, July 29 edition of The Record.
Phase 2 of Intelligent Boating project on Lake Massawippi underway
Record Staff