The weather couldn’t have been any better. Warm enough for spectators but a bit of a breeze kept plowing competitors and horses comfortable. With the reputation of being the biggest match in the Townships, the Richmond County Plowmen’s Association organizers weren’t disappointed when the final tally of competitors reached 60.
“A bit down from last year, but the weather was almost too good with many who would normally be plowing in the match at home harvesting grains and in some cases, a third crop of hay. Now of course, that’s more important,” said Joyce Cinnamon, in charge of all the paper work including registrations on match day.
The winners included Wayne Mills, who won in the “all two-furrow plows” class as well as the trophy for plowing of highest merit on the field; William Dutka, all three-furrow plows; Elizabeth Guzzo, all newcomers; Billy Enright, first place in the boys 14-18 class and won highest merit on the field and the special prize for boys under 18; Peter Kirby, Provincial Rules Class including the trophy for the best crown and best finish on the field.
Also among the winners were Billy Trippear (antique tractors and plows), William Morrill (boys 8-14 trophy, also the special prize for the yougest boy plowing), Morgan Enright (girls 8-16 and also plowing of highest merit on the field for girls under 18), Felicia Kirby (two- and three-furrow plows) and Jonathan Sylvester (walking plow).
Several prizes and trophies went home with Sylvester, including first in his class, best heavy draft team, neatest outfit, best crown and finally first place for the best plowing team at the match.
“A special thank you to the folks who donated so generously, the many spectators who came out to watch and enjoy a delicious lunch in the field and of course, to all the competitors, many of whom have been competitors at this match for many, many years,” Joyce Cinnamon emphasized.
Husband Larry Cinnamon was one of several veteran plowmen on the field and was also the master of ceremonies for the presentation. “There’s another group who shoud be thanked too,” Larry added. “The president and directors and friends and supporters turn out every year a few days before the match to measure and mark enough ‘lands’ to accomodate the competitors. Then, after the match, there’s the finishing to do on the field where you have several rows of lands with a green space inbetween. It all has to be finished properly and made ready for a new crop next year – not always an easy task. Many thanks to the owners of the field we used and to everyone who turned up before and after the match.”