A group of students held a demonstration at the front gate of Alexander Galt Regional High School Thursday, reacting to an incident at the school on Tuesday where a student allegedly threatened another student with a knife. The students, numbering between 60 and 80, chanted “make school safe,” suggesting the school’s response to Tuesday’s knife incident was inadequate. According to media reports, during recess on Tuesday a male student is alleged to have held a knife to the neck of a female student. A nearby teacher intervened before anyone was harmed.
Following the incident, the mother of the alleged victim expressed concerns to media that she felt the school did not recognize the severity of the situation and react appropriately. According to ETSB Chairman Michael Murray, the situation, the details of which he could not include, was handled properly by the staff at the school. The incident is currently under police investigation. See full story in the Friday, Oct. 18 edition of The Record.
Protest at Galt
By Matthew McCully